We Want to Know Wednesday

Wednesday, July 20, 2011


{1} What would you do with an extra $1000 a month?
 An extra $1000 a month??? I really wouldn't know how to act, but on a serious note I would buy my son a car, I would also start paying off items to clean up my credit report. 

{2} What category of blogger do you think you best fall under? 
The random girly category. 

{3} What is your go to solution when you are having a bad hair day? 
by pulling the front up in a clip, since I have had it cute Its to short to pull it all up. OMG that so reminds me I have to put up my hair makeover post.

{4} If you were a Crayon, what color would you be?
I would want to be a hot pink, I think pink makes people happy.

{5} They say love is in the little things. What is a little thing someone does to show you love? 
 Even though I say it drives me crazy but when my dad calls me 10 times a day to tell me the simplest things like he stubbed his toe.

When Paul helps my dad around the house with repairs, my dad went Legally blind a few years ago so its hard for him to do things. Paul knows its hard on my dad not to be able to do simple things so he lets my dad help even though sometimes he is making more of a mess.

Paul, me, mom, & dad

Ok we are waiting  join in the fun and head over to link up with We Want to Know Wednesday

Happy Bithday To My Son

Tuesday, July 19, 2011

I don't want to get all emotional on you so I am gonna share a few photos of my little boy who turned 17 today. A lot of you have little ones so just remember to cherish every moment because before you know it, they will be getting their license and entering their Senior year in high school.

Happy Birthday Andrew! I love you with all my heart and very proud of how you have turned into respectful, responsible young man.

Friday Confessional

Friday, July 15, 2011

I Confess I am so behind at work, I am going on vacation next week and I don't have my project boards in tip top shape. I have had Bronchitis all week and I am trying to work as fast as I can but its a slow process. 

I Confess I was a little irritated ok PISSED when the BF called last night on his lunch break and said he is going home early but going to the bar with the guys. 

I Confess While getting a breathing treatment at the Dr. office the other day I bent over to get my purse and dropped the the mouth piece, which in turn fell off the tube. After putting it back together the nurse walks in and says with concern. "The Dr. put this together? She does it different." a few minutes later the nurse and Dr. walk in and the Dr. looks at me and says " did you drop this?"  I think I turned a few shades of red as she was putting it back together the right way. OMG I put it together wrong. 

I Confess I am to lazy to search for photos to use for this post. Sorry

If you have a confession or twp head over and link up at Dandelion Wishes.

Target Tuesday

Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Fabulous but evil is hosting one of my favorite link ups

 Since I have been home with Bronchitis the past few days, I thought I would choose some things to make me feel better.

New bedding to make me feel cute when I feel like poop.

Humidifier to help me breath.        

New mug for my hot tea.

Jammies my all time favorite.
 Don't forget to check back later this week I will be posting the hair makeover reveal when I am feeling a little better.

Photo Credits: Target.com

Friday Confessional

Friday, July 8, 2011

Happy Friday !!! Today I am linking up with “Princess” Mamarazzi for Friday Confessional.


I confess, I am getting a little nervous about the hair makeover tomorrow. Should I really go that short? Hmmmm????

I confess, I have been telling everyone this horrible cough is allergies but really I am getting sick.

I confess, throughout the day’s I have been right on track with my healthy eating but go home can grab the bag of Doritos.

I confess, I have been spending my weekends in the sun not using sunscreen, I know this is so bad for my skin but growing up I never burned so it’s just not something I think about.

I confess, when the Employee of the month was announce at my office my first thought was, it’s about freaking time. 8 years of dedication and I am finally being recognized. 

Do you have any confessions? Lets hear them.

Photo Credits: Hair-eanext.com/hairstyles/modern-short-bob-haircuts-summer-fall-2009.html
all the rest my camera

Hair Makeover Help

Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Its about that time again. Yup I am in desperate need of a hair makeover. There are so many cute cuts out there but I am always afraid my face will look to fat. So I am asking all of you to help me out and let me know your thoughts..

Here are a few styles I was thinking about.

Option 1

Option 2

Option 3

Option 4

Option 5

See they are all so cute now try to picture them on this mug.


Photo Credits:
Option 1 celebritybuzz03.blogspot.com
Option 2  hairstyles.modalight.net
Option 3 beautyandhairstyles.onsugar.com
Option 4 eanext.com/hairstyles/modern-short-bob-haircuts-summer-fall-2009.html
Option 5 birgitcompton.com
Me my camera

July 4,.2011

Monday, July 4, 2011

3 generation!

Today is special in many ways. I want to wish my grandma a very happy 84th birtday.

Hope everyone has a happy Fourth Of July!!

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Get Away Friday

Friday, July 1, 2011

Wishing you all a fabulous weekend. I am heading out of town this early morning just in time to see the sun rise.

Are you headed out of town? Be safe and enjoy your holiday weekend.
Published with Blogger-droid v1.7.2
